Hey! How did Valentine's Day go for everyone? Get lucky in love and got shot with Cupid's bow and arrow?
Not I, but I did have a good day being single. Although being single on Valentine's Day it had to be a girls night out! Totally did! One of the things we did Saturday we went and saw
He's Just Not That Into You. I was super excited to see it since I had read the book while I was in a old relationship. Helped me see a lot of humor in my whole situation! Ha! So I was very curious how they were going to interpret into a movie. Perfect whether you were single or in a relationship. Since half of the characters got their "happy ending" prince charming and all. While the other half moves on alone. No worries though their heads were held high and were ready to kiss more toads.
Speaking of love, I am having a total love affair with paper cranes. Illustration Friday's topic for this week is "Celebrate". I'm celebrating with my magical paper crane catcher. With spring right around the corner all the wild life is starting to come back out. In fact I heard some geese flying over the house. How exciting is that!!! Can't wait to see some green on the trees though! Definitely a reason to celebrate.
*Click on the image to see a more crisp one...need to learn how to customize my blog, so sorry*
They just make me happy simple as that. I need a little help in my origami department. After enough practice I would love to make a mobile for my room. And I found a great tutorial from Jeebles through Craftster

While I was out on the search I came across
Cheri and David's paper crane mobile. (below) How insanely beautiful is that!?! I would love to have that in my living space!

Then there's these beauties from