Thursday, October 29, 2009


Good Morning!

My oh my how time flies when I just simply draw. Hours can go by so fast, left me behind asking where did all the time go. Just love being in that "trance". Thought I'd start my day by showing off a quick scan of what I did last night.

Time really does go by so fast, only 1 more week till my show at Oddmall. And still so many more things to create!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Long to do lists

Hey everyone!!!

Yikes where have I been? Anybody know? I'm not even too sure. That's not right is it? I've been trying to keep myself in busy bee mode. I have such a long list of things I need to get done! I have a two shows coming up quite soon. So I have lots of new things done but no photos. What!?! I will get some. Then on another down side my laptop's outlet thingy-ma-bob (don't let my technology vocabulary intimidate you) has just decided to up a leave one day. Leaving me unable to charge my good. Makes me a sad panda.

Here are the links to the two up and coming shows you can find me at, have them off the right too. So if you are in Ohio please come by and say hi, that would just tickle me pink!

Off to work once again!